Our Terms & Privacy

Last Modified: Dec 29, 2023

You should carefully read the following Terms and Conditions. Your purchase or use of our products or services implies that you have read and accepted these Terms and Conditions.

Please note that AZO Ads Pro is only a plugin for WordPress content management software. It can not work standalone. In case you experience issues this might be due to the theme or other plugins you are using. In such case please contact us and provide required data. We will do our best to help you.


You can pay with PayPal or with any supported credit card through PayPal (no account needed). Please be assured that the checkout process is powered by PayPal and therefore secure.

Software License

In order to use AZO Ads Pro, you need to obtain and configure a license key. The license key provided to you is unique and must be kept confidential. If you do not trust the developers who have admin access to your website and you possess at least a Freelancer license, you can hide the license key. The only authorized place to purchase AZO Ads Pro is this website.

You are NOT authorized to make paid works (AZO Ads Pro – software purchased here) publicly available. You are authorized to install AZO Ads Pro WordPress plugin purchased here according to the purchased license type. Each license type specifies the maximum number of websites on which the AZO Ads Pro plugin can be installed. If you exceed the allowed number of websites specified by the license type, each website using your license key will display a warning of license overuse, and updates will be disabled. In the event of license overuse, you must either uninstall the plugin from some websites or upgrade the license type. We cannot guarantee proper functionality of the plugin when the license is overused, and we reserve the right to refuse support in such cases.

You are NOT authorized to use any other license key than the one provided by us. You are NOT authorized to use the plugin without a valid license key. Any use of AZO Ads Pro without a valid license key obtained from us can result in your account being banned and the license canceled. We cannot guarantee proper functioning of the plugin without a valid license key obtained from us, and we reserve the right to refuse support in such cases.

You are NOT authorized to use the license key with any other version or file of AZO Ads Pro than the one provided by us, either as a downloadable file from your license page or through the automatic plugin update process. We cannot guarantee proper functioning of the plugin if not obtained from us, and we reserve the right to refuse support in such cases.

You are NOT authorized to modify files of AZO Ads Pro without our written permission. Any use of AZO Ads Pro with modified files without our written permission can result in your account being banned and the license canceled. We cannot guarantee proper functioning of the plugin with modified files, and we reserve the right to refuse support in such cases.

You are NOT authorized to sell the paid works (AZO Ads Pro – software purchased here) or the license key provided to you for using the software according to the license type. Before selling any websites using the software purchased here, you must deactivate and uninstall the plugins purchased here or instruct the buyer to purchase a separate license. Failing to do so can result in your account being banned and the license canceled. In any case, you are entirely responsible for all the websites using your license key. The license key provided to you is unique and must be kept confidential.

Some license types allow the installation of the plugin on client websites. A client refers to a person for whom you are managing their website. This means you have a contract with the person and administrator access to the client website for the entire duration of the license. You are NOT authorized to sell AZO Ads Pro or the license key provided to you in any way. You are also NOT authorized to advertise the installation or sale of AZO Ads Pro or the license key.

License Renewals and upgrades

You can extend the license period anytime. On the same page where you can download the plugin you can also renew or upgrade the license. If you have lost your download link or license key you can recover it by entering email address that was used for payment. Check also the license key setting in your plugin – there is a link to your license page. We offer discount for license renewals during the license period.

We also offer license upgrades. If you decide to upgrade during the license period you get discount on the regular price plus one additional year of free updates period. To upgrade the license type go to your license page and select wanted license type – if you are upgrading during the license period you get discount on the regular price of the new license type plus one additional year of free updates period. This proces is automatic. If for some reason you will ask us to manually change the license or to do some other administrative task regarding license change, then we will charge you an administrative fee of 10 EUR in terms of the license period.


The link in the email is used only for initial download and installation of the plugin. All future updates during the free update period don’t need manual downloading and can be done inside WordPress like for other plugins. In case of questions please contact us.

Return/Refund Policy

Since plugins offered here are downloadable files, returns and refunds are not possible. We offer refunds within 14 days after the purchase only if the file has not been downloaded yet.

Please do not contact us simply stating the plugin does not work. If you encounter any issues, kindly reach out for support before drawing conclusions: clearly describe the problem and provide the necessary data so we can examine your installation, diagnose the issue, and recommend settings. If you require an upgrade in the license type, visit your license page and select the desired license type for an upgrade; this will also grant you an additional year of free update period.

WordPress plugins are not standalone software; they function only when invoked via hooks by WordPress and the installed theme. Before deciding to purchase AZO Ads Pro, please install and test the free AZO Ads to ensure compatibility with your theme and installed plugins. The free AZO Ads contains all the insertion functionality, enabling comprehensive testing before opting for the Pro version. Note that if AZO Ads doesn’t work with your website, AZO Ads Pro will also not function. By purchasing the license for AZO Ads Pro, you confirm that you have installed and tested the free AZO Ads, ensuring it can be installed, functions as expected, has no issues, and meets your requirements. Do not purchase the plugin for testing purposes and then request a refund. Utilize the free AZO Ads for testing. Should you have any queries, please contact us before making the purchase.

Log Files

Like many other websites makes use of log files. The information inside the log files includes internet protocol (IP) addresses, Internet Service Provider (ISP), type of browser, date/time stamp, referring/exit pages, and number of clicks to analyze trends, administer the site, track user’s movement around the site, and gather demographic information. IP addresses, and other such information are not linked to any information that is personally identifiable.

Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting your privacy. When you make a purchase from us, we receive some personal information about you from the payment gateway, including your name, email address, and country of residence. We DO NOT receive ANY financial information other than the price you paid. We retain this information securely for a limited time for the sole purpose of resolving any queries that may arise in connection with your purchase. We will never use this information for any other purposes. We will never send you unsolicited email of any kind unless you specifically request us to. We will never sell or disclose your personal information to any third party under any circumstances unless compelled to do so by law. This site is owned and operated by AZO.